LucyMax Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
LucyMax Co (the term ‘LucyMax’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the app) operates 4 Step Phonics App. The term ‘you’ refers to the user of our app.
1. Personal Information Collected
We follow the U.S. Children's Online Privacy (COPPA) and E.U. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any other applicable laws or regulations at all times by not collecting information such as your e-mail address, phone number, IP address, device ID, etc by running 4 Step Phonics App. To not collect your information, our 4 Step Phonics App does not require a log-in service. Users’ usage of our app is stored in the server. However, since we do not get any personal information, we do not know the users’ personal information. Therefore, we do not share, sell, or trade any user’s information with a third party.
2. YouTube Video Embedded
We make videos and upload them on LucyMax English Channel on YouTube. Then we embed the videos on the app. So you must agree to Terms of Service of YouTube to use our app. The link to Terms of Service of YouTube is: LucyMax English Channel on YouTube uploads videos only made for kids following YouTube kids policy such as no commenting and no creating/sharing playlists. While you watch LucyMax YouTube videos on the app, we do not get any personal information using YouTube API.
3. Child-Directed App
We designate our app made for kids. Therefore, we do not use personalized ads (including remarketing) to target past or current activity by any user of our app or embedded YouTube videos.
4. Sharing and Providing Users’ Usage
We may share non-personal information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, and advertisers.
We use third-party service providers (as set out below) to help us operate our business and the app, or administer activities on our behalf.
We may also engage third parties to perform services.
Each of these third parties is obliged to protect the security of any information we share with them, and limited in their use of the information to the services being provided solely to LucyMax:
- Google Android: Your Android input method editor is shared with Google Android in connection with performance of network communications.
- Apple: Your iOS identifier is shared with Apple in connection with performance of network communications.
- Google Analytics: This service tracks information such as user actions on the app. Google Analytics may capture your IP address, but no other personal information is captured by Google Analytics.
- Admob: This app is affiliated with Admob for the purposes of placing advertising on the app. Admob uses standard and widely-available tools such as mediation with other ads parties for the placement and serving of ads.
5. Contact
Questions, comments and requests regarding this policy should be addressed to:
Email Address: or
LucyMax Co. Address: PungDeokCheon-Ro 129-9 OSeong B/B 5F Suji-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
6. Revisions to the Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we update the Privacy Policy, we will notify you by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of this policy and posting the new Privacy Policy.
Last Update: Jun. 02, 2020